Re: [102attendees] Visa problems - need a different invitation letter

Philip Prindeville <> Tue, 11 September 2018 18:26 UTC

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At the very least it raises the question of whether it’s worth having further IETF’s in Thailand.


> On Sep 7, 2018, at 7:01 AM, Christian Hopps <> wrote:
> +1
> I have to admit this thread has made me wonder if I should skip this one. I'll probably go, but I'm not going to go through all the hassle of getting a work-visa. I guess I'm risking being turned around at the border, which is annoying given it takes more than 24 hours of travel for me to get there.
> Thanks,
> Chris.
> Robert Wilton <> writes:
>> Hi Artyom,
>> I presume that Andrew's email is probably this one:
>> Or, otherwise this query makes it fairly easy to see other likely
>> candidate emails:
>> Personally I'm not inclined to apply for work visa, it seems a bit
>> arduous, so the choice I'm trying to decide between is do I travel on
>> the tourist visa-waver, or do I skip this meeting.
>> FWIW, my current conclusion of this thread (traveling from the UK) is
>> that a tourist visa/visa-waver is sufficient, but I would need to be
>> careful about what I say when entering, along the lines of what Mehmet
>> suggested previously, i.e. attending a technical conference, etc.
>> I've never been to Thailand before, so may also tack a couple of extra
>> days of tourism on the end anyway.
>> Regards,
>> Rob
>> On 06/09/2018 18:58, Artyom Gavrichenkov wrote:
>>> I have decided it's a good idea to be more explicit regarding this
>>> piece. Answers inline,
>>>> See the earlier comments by Andrew Sullivan
>>> ...which no one to date has bothered to give a hyperlink to (though
>>> Mr. Eckert and me have both kindly asked for that quite a few times).
>>> The best direction on where to look for those comments was: "Andrew
>>> Sullivan's explanation on the IETF list". Nah. Never knew there's only
>>> one mailing list in the IETF.
>>>> and John Klensin.
>>>> Everybody has to make their own decisions about this and get definitive advice specific to their individual circumstances from the relevant embassy/consulate. It’s that simple.
>>> Sorry, but it is *not* that simple.
>>> Though I'm somewhat younger and definitely less experienced than you,
>>> I've lived most of my life under a citizenship which pretty much
>>> doesn't get you a visa waiver in most of the countries out there, and
>>> I have a different view over this one.
>>> With all due respect to all the countries in the world, for *most* of
>>> them, it is *not* possible to get a definitive advice from a consulate
>>> or embassy. Sometimes the [visa] regulations are vague and unclear.
>>> Sometimes, on the other hand, they are overly strict and the consulate
>>> is afraid of assigning too much of permissions to you. Sometimes, the
>>> consulate doesn't know much about those regulations at all and is just
>>> acting according to their own common sense.
>>> Each time you face it, it's one-on-one. The other side might be too
>>> strict or too permissive. The more information you have, the more
>>> definitive facts you're able to bring into play — the more chances you
>>> have to ask the right questions and convince the other side to settle
>>> on a decision which is best to you.
>>>>> Is it an overly optimistic idea to bring someone from the host to the thread and ask them for advice?
>>>> Yes. It’s utterly impractical to expect anyone to provide advice on visa issues which will or won’t apply to everyone going to an IETF meeting.
>>> Repeating once again: "I'm perfectly aware there are complicated
>>> scenarios out there which the host may not know how to handle, but the
>>> case of a EU citizen coming to the proposed international event looks
>>> rather straightforward and typical for me."
>>> See? I wasn't speaking about "everyone" from the very beginning.
>>> | Töma Gavrichenkov
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