[105attendees] Agenda Bashing was Re: Administrative Plenary Time Constraint: Must End by 21:00

Michael StJohns <mstjohns@comcast.net> Wed, 24 July 2019 13:32 UTC

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To: Alissa Cooper <alissa@cooperw.in>
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From: Michael StJohns <mstjohns@comcast.net>
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Subject: [105attendees] Agenda Bashing was Re: Administrative Plenary Time Constraint: Must End by 21:00
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Hi Alissa -

Given the hard stop time for the plenary, the importance of the RSE 
discussion and (AFAICT) the lack of other similar topics for the IESG,  
I propose that we move the IAB open mic session to the beginning of the 
open mic period, and seat the LLC and RSOC with the IAB for that 
session.   If we have time left over and topics, we can have the IESG 
take the stage at that time - otherwise those topics can be addressed to 
the mailing list.

I would prefer to do this rather than be heavy handed in restricting the 
time of each speaker/questioner.  I'd also like to ask that as a general 
matter of course the IAB try to limit the number of IAB responders to a 
given question to the smallest number necessary in the interests of 
getting as much community input as possible.

Thanks - Mike

On 7/24/2019 7:54 AM, Portia Wenze-Danley wrote:
> All,
> The hotel is informed the secretariat that tonight’s administrative 
> plenary must end by 21:00 in order for their staff to begin setting up 
> the room for tomorrow morning’s WG sessions.  The chair has asked 
> plenary presentations be kept to a minimum so we can maximize time for 
> open mic.
> Apologies for the late notice.
> Thank you.
> ________________________________
> *Portia Wenze-Danley*
> IETF Administration LLC Executive Director (Interim)
> (/Formerly/IETF Administrative Director (IAD)
> Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
> pwdanley@ietf.org <mailto:pwdanley@ietf.org>