[105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 105
Stuart Cheshire <ietf19@stuartcheshire.org> Wed, 24 July 2019 18:10 UTC
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Subject: [105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 105
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If you go to the IETF agenda page <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/105/agenda/> and find (just to pick an example) the TEEP meeting, and click on the “Etherpad for note-takers” button, it takes you to: <https://etherpad.ietf.org/p/notes-ietf-105-teep> If you go to the TEEP agenda page <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/105/materials/agenda-105-teep-03> it tells you the Etherpad page is this: <https://etherpad.tools.ietf.org/p/notes-ietf-105-teep> Notice the “tools” in the middle of the ietf.org domain name in the second link. If you click on the two Etherpad links above, you will see there are two *different* versions of the Etherpad notes for that meeting. Many of the individual working group agenda pages list an Etherpad URL with “tools” in the middle of the host name, so perhaps this was a last-minute change that didn’t propagate to all the individual working group agenda pages? When using Etherpad to take shared notes for a meeting, take care to use the right one. I assume the “right” one is the one listed on the IETF agenda page, without “tools” in the middle of the host name. Stuart Cheshire
- [105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 105 Stuart Cheshire
- Re: [105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 1… Sarah Banks
- Re: [105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 1… Lou Berger
- Re: [105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 1… Stuart Cheshire
- Re: [105attendees] Note: Dual Etherpads at IETF 1… Sarah Banks