[109all] IETF "Registration" Desk in Gather closes at 1800 IST (1100 UTC) on Friday, 20 November 2020
Cindy Morgan <cmorgan@amsl.com> Fri, 20 November 2020 08:52 UTC
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IETFers, Please be advised that the Secretariat "registration" desk in Gather (https://ietf.gather.town/app/L4fNNdm1NJa1sE2v/ietf) for IETF 109 will be open until 1800 IST (1100 UTC) today (Friday, 20 November 2020). After 1800 IST, the Secretariat might still be found wandering around Gather as we clean up from the meeting week and look to bump into people we've missed chatting with. We will also still be monitoring the trouble ticket queue at mtd@ietf.org. Lost & Found: The only item left in the lost and found is the power cord from the scavenger hunt. Thanks to everyone who played! We hope to see you all again at IETF 110! Best regards, Cindy Cindy Morgan / Associate Director / IETF Secretariat 5177 Brandin Court / Fremont CA 94538 / USA T: +1.510.492.4085 / F: +1.510.492.4001 / https://www.ietf.org ---------- Association Management Solutions (AMS) - https://www.amsl.com Management, Meetings and Events, Technology
- [109all] IETF "Registration" Desk in Gather close… Cindy Morgan