[109all] IETF 109 participant information - Update 2020-11-09
Greg Wood <ghwood@ietf.org> Tue, 10 November 2020 01:26 UTC
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Hello! An updated version of the IETF 109 Participant Guide has been published: https://www.ietf.org/how/meetings/109/session-participant-guide/ It includes: + links to a recording of a test session from last week, and + details about how to test your set up during the IETF 109 meeting week. IETF 109 participants are strongly encouraged to test their set up before joining their first meeting session. Also, information is now available about the IETF 109 Online Gather space intended to provide an online simulation of the IETF meeting hallway experience. While nothing can completely replicate encountering IETF colleagues in meeting venues around the world, this is a fun online space for IETF participants to socialize or collaborate in small groups. The Gather space includes features found at an in-person meeting such as the RFC Editor and IANA desks, as well as a virtual meeting registration desk. All that’s required is a WebRTC-enabled browser. For more details about Gather and how to join, see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/172eqRpW8dod_Hpts1kGleel8JrGF4vCzcahTTpn3c0s/edit The latest information about IETF 109 Online (16-20 November 2020) hosted by Cisco is always available at: https://www.ietf.org/how/meetings/109/ -Greg -- Greg Wood ghwood@ietf.org +1-703-625-3917