[110all] IETF 110 Survey, links, stats and special thanks

IETF Executive Director <exec-director@ietf.org> Fri, 12 March 2021 20:43 UTC

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IETF 110
March 8-12, 2021
Hosted by: Google

IETF 110 has concluded.  Thanks to all participants, chairs, contractors and staff who participated. 

Please help us understand and improve the meeting experience by filling out this short survey while it is fresh in your mind


This survey provides plenty of opportunity for you to share your views and will not take long to fill out.  We need as many responses as possible please.

Recordings of IETF 110 sessions are at


The final numbers for this meeting were 

  Paid registrations:  983
  Fee waivers used: 295  (368 were issued)
  Comps (host/sponsor/staff): 51
  Total registrations: 1329
  Observed participants: 1176

And once again, please take the time to fill out the survey


A final huge thanks to Google for hosting this meeting and thanks also to our other sponsors - Comcast and ICANN - for their generous support.


Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director