[110all] IETF 110 survey reminder
IETF Executive Director <exec-director@ietf.org> Sun, 14 March 2021 20:44 UTC
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This is a reminder to please help us understand and improve the meeting experience by filling out this short survey while it is fresh in your mind https://ietf.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6hTsDUOGTJJtTh4 We are particularly interested to understand what impact was on the meeting experience of the new pre-meeting system testing, new conflict resolution technology and new integrated helpdesk system. We’ve shortened this survey since the last meeting while keeping plenty of opportunity for you to share your views. We need as many responses as possible please. thanks Jay -- Jay Daley IETF Executive Director exec-director@ietf.org
- [110all] IETF 110 survey reminder IETF Executive Director