[110all] Shared Sessions at IETF 110

IETF Agenda <agenda@ietf.org> Thu, 11 March 2021 15:29 UTC

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Hi Everyone!

There are two pairs of combined WG sessions at this meeting who are sharing Meetecho rooms. In each case, both WG sessions are listed separately on the agenda, but only one session will be live. Please make sure you follow the correct links if you'd like to attend these sessions below. If you try to enter the wrong room, you'll get a "Room Closed" notice.

Thursday 11 March at 17:00 CET, Room 7
RTGAREA and RTGWG -- The session will be hosted by RTGAREA. Please follow the links in the agenda for RTGAREA. 

Friday 12 March at 13:00 CET, Room 3
DNSSD and HOMENET -- The session will be hosted by DNSSD. Please follow the links in the agenda for DNSSD. 


IETF Secretariat