Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guide me, Thanks
Brian E Carpenter <> Tue, 27 July 2021 03:45 UTC
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To: John C Klensin <>, Chukwuka Odele <>,
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From: Brian E Carpenter <>
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Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2021 15:45:35 +1200
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Subject: Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guide me, Thanks
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Chuks, I think there is something we lack (at least in up to date form), which is "How to write your first Internet-Draft". There are certainly some tutorials at but I think anyone starting today should probably start with kramdown. That minimises the amount of XML magic that you need to learn. Amplifying what John said slightly, the first draft for a new idea is not a sales document, but it does need to indicate the use case (what technical gap is being filled) and the basic technical idea, and then expand the technical details enough to satisfy people that the idea is workable and secure. It's hard work. A running prototype is always good, too. If the way forward is eventually a working group, there are a lot more tricks to learn (such as how to have a successful BOF, see but first you need to find out if there are other people interested in the work. That's the main purpose of the initial Internet-Draft and a discussion with DISPATCH. Regards Brian On 27-Jul-21 14:40, John C Klensin wrote: > Chuks, > > The advice is probably correct. You will probably have to > subscribe to that list before posting; see > <> > > Also, to save a bit of time in the event that you have not > figured this out or been told about it already, the IETF really > has no way to deal with notes that indicate how new and > wonderful a technology or ideas are. Generally, the best thing > to proceed is to prepare an Internet-Draft that describes the > technology in some detail and explains what you would like the > IETF to do with it. Do note, however, that posting such a draft > (and registering for the meeting and participating in DISPATCH) > imposes obligations on you about intellectual property rights > that you should be sure you understand. See > <>, > <>, and the various materials > linked to from those pages for more information. > > Good luck, > best, > john > > > --On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 03:01 +0100 Chukwuka Odele > <> wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> >> I was in the "dispatch" room . >> >> I said I have a new technology to introduce to the world. >> >> Never been used or deployed the way I'm presenting It. >> >> I was told by one of the participants or chair person to email >> "" . >> >> >> I hope that's correct ☝️☝️☝️? >> >> >> Thank you. >> Best, >> Chuks > >
- [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guide me… Chukwuka Odele
- Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guid… John C Klensin
- Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guid… Brian E Carpenter
- Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guid… John C Klensin
- Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guid… Chukwuka Odele
- Re: [111attendees] New Email - Please kindly guid… Salz, Rich
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