[111attendees] Hybrid meetings (was: Re: test)
Lars Eggert <lars@eggert.org> Mon, 26 July 2021 07:38 UTC
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 10:38:10 +0300
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Cc: Toerless Eckert <tte@cs.fau.de>, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com>, 111attendees@ietf.org, Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org>, Michael StJohns <msj@nthpermutation.com>, Vittorio Bertola <vittorio.bertola=40open-xchange.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
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Subject: [111attendees] Hybrid meetings (was: Re: test)
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Hi, On 2021-7-23, at 20:30, John C Klensin <john-ietf@jck.com> wrote: > we should be putting > effort into figuring out how to do hybrid meetings well, > starting with figuring out what "hybrid" means for us. effort has been put into this for some months now, via a small secretariat-led team made up of some secretariat and LLC staff, NOC members and some occasional IESG involvement. As you can imagine, the added complexities of a hybrid meeting are substantial. They remain so even if we disregard the required COVID measures for a moment, because of usefully supporting a (much) larger remotely participating community from a smaller in-person setup. Uncertainty about necessary COVID-related measures imposed by authorities at the place of the in-person meeting make matters significantly more difficult, not to mention the in-person community maybe desiring measures beyond what is required by the authorities. > If the first case applies, spending time in SHMOO and/or in > consultations by the LLC fine-tuning criteria for going back to > in-person meetings or whether the "next" meeting will be in > person, is a waste of time and resource. The uncertainties related to COVID require us to evaluate a wide range of options. The situation unfortunately remains very fluid, and so efforts that appeared relevant only a few weeks ago may seem like a waste of time and resources now - but at the same time, efforts that seemed irrelevant then are looking much more relevant now. For example, several weeks ago, trend lines looked like a November meeting with a substantial in-person presence in Madrid might be viable, hence we've spent time and effort in this direction. But we're also spending time and effort on a more hybrid meeting (with a much larger remote participant set), and of course on a fully-online option (which is where SHMOO comes in); and it increasingly looks like we'll need to rely on the latter planning now. > Either way, it seems to me that, as IETF Chair and General Area > AD, it seems to me, if the SHMOO charter and work are no longer > a good match for the needs of the IETF, you have both the > authority and responsibility to make that determination and to > either shut things down or initiate a conversation about > adjusting the charter so that things get onto a more useful > track. Or you could propose that people start working on a > charter for a SHMHybrid WG that would compete with SHMOO for > interested people, time, and resources (it is probably clear > that I don't think much of that idea, but it is logically > possible). The main reason I brought up the SHMOO charter at all was to explain why the current SHMOO documents are not covering hybrid meetings, which some were wondering about. I didn't intend to imply that the community should not discuss hybrid meetings, and I apologize if I came across like that. I'll also note that SHMOO has WG chairs, which are in charge of managing the group and can initiate steps to recharter. But I don't think a rechartered SHMOO or new WG on hybrid meetings is what should happen first (see below). > It seems to me however that, unless you have a plan about how > individual I-Ds --ones that the experience of the last 18 months > suggests would be very controversial-- would reach consensus > without a WG structure and be processed, is sort of missing the > point. Before talking about how an I-D in this space may or may not reach consensus, and whether a rechartered SHMOO or new WG would or wouldn't help here, I think we all would actually like to see such I-Ds posted - namely, ones that outline what a hybrid meeting structure and experience should look like - in times of COVID and in a brighter future without. Thanks, Lars
- [111attendees] test Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [111attendees] test Vittorio Bertola
- Re: [111attendees] test ANURAG VIJAY AGRAWAL
- Re: [111attendees] test Jared Mauch
- Re: [111attendees] test ANURAG VIJAY AGRAWAL
- Re: [111attendees] test Ujjwal Sharma
- Re: [111attendees] test Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [111attendees] test Henk Birkholz
- Re: [111attendees] test Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [111attendees] test Charles Eckel (eckelcu)
- Re: [111attendees] test Carsten Bormann
- Re: [111attendees] test STARK, BARBARA H
- Re: [111attendees] test Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] test Carlos M. Martinez
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] building up interaction credit… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [111attendees] test Nigel Hickson
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] test Ole Jacobsen
- Re: [111attendees] test Michael StJohns
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] test Warren Kumari
- Re: [111attendees] test Charles Eckel (eckelcu)
- Re: [111attendees] test Julia Urbina-Pineda
- Re: [111attendees] test Nigel Hickson
- Re: [111attendees] test Randy Bush
- Re: [111attendees] test Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test MORTON JR., AL
- Re: [111attendees] test John C Klensin
- Re: [111attendees] test Sanjeev Gupta
- Re: [111attendees] test Vittorio Bertola
- Re: [111attendees] test Carsten Bormann
- Re: [111attendees] test Randy Bush
- Re: [111attendees] test Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test Nigel Hickson
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] test Lars Eggert
- Re: [111attendees] [Ext] Re: test Paul Muchene
- Re: [111attendees] [Ext] Re: test Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [111attendees] test Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [111attendees] test Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] [Ext] Re: test Paul Muchene
- Re: [111attendees] test Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [111attendees] test Ted Lemon
- Re: [111attendees] [Ext] Re: test Henk Birkholz
- Re: [111attendees] test Andrew Campling
- Re: [111attendees] test Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test Carsten Bormann
- Re: [111attendees] test Phillip Hallam-Baker
- Re: [111attendees] test Marie-Jose Montpetit
- Re: [111attendees] test Behcet Sarikaya
- Re: [111attendees] test David Brown
- Re: [111attendees] test Robert Moskowitz
- [111attendees] Please change the Subject line [wa… Bob Hinden
- Re: [111attendees] test Diego Dujovne
- Re: [111attendees] Please change the Subject line… Jim Reid
- Re: [111attendees] Please change the Subject line… Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test Ted Lemon
- Re: [111attendees] multisite remote hybrid meetin… Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [111attendees] The joyful benefits of (hybrid… Henk Birkholz
- Re: [111attendees] multisite remote hybrid meetin… Diego Dujovne
- Re: [111attendees] test of 111attendees list and … Oscar Garcia
- [111attendees] future hybrid meeting discuss (was… Toerless Eckert
- Re: [111attendees] test John C Klensin
- Re: [111attendees] multisite remote hybrid meetin… Diego Dujovne
- Re: [111attendees] Planning for hybrid meetings (… Jay Daley
- Re: [111attendees] test Stewart Bryant
- Re: [111attendees] test Stewart Bryant
- Re: [111attendees] test Chukwuka Odele
- Re: [111attendees] test Brian E Carpenter
- [111attendees] Hybrid meetings (was: Re: test) Lars Eggert
- Re: [111attendees] Hybrid meetings (was: Re: test) John C Klensin
- Re: [111attendees] Hybrid meetings (was: Re: test) Lars Eggert
- Re: [111attendees] test Suresh Krishnan
- Re: [111attendees] Hybrid meetings (was: Re: test) Jay Daley