[112all] IETF 112 Standard Registration Deadline and Internet Draft Submission Cut-off Today!

IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Mon, 25 October 2021 13:16 UTC

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Subject: [112all] IETF 112 Standard Registration Deadline and Internet Draft Submission Cut-off Today!
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IETF 112
November 08-12, 2021
Hosted By: Ericsson

IETF 112 Information: https://www.ietf.org/how/meetings/112/
Register online at: https://registration.ietf.org/112/

1.  Registration
2.  Fee Waivers
3.  Plenary, Welcome Reception, and Hot RFC
4.  Request Your IETF 112 Meeting T-shirt
5.  Draft Submission Deadline
6.  Hackathon 

1. Registration: Standard Registration Deadline

	The standard registration deadline is today, Monday, October 25th.
	Be sure to register and pay before the deadline passes!
	Register online at: https://registration.ietf.org/112/

	NOTE: Payment is required at the time of registration. The standard 
	registration fee is $280 USD until today, Monday, October 25th at UTC 23:59.
	After October 25th at UTC 23:59 the registration fee will be $330 USD.
2.  Fee Waivers: 

	We understand that not everyone can afford the IETF 112 registration
	fee for a variety of reasons, including issues with income,
	employment status and employer support, and we do not want any of
	these to be a barrier to participation. If you cannot afford the
	registration fee then please take this fee waiver option to
	ensure that you can participate:

3. Plenary, Welcome Reception, and Hot RFC

	The IETF 112 Plenary will take place on Wednesday, November 3 
	from 13:30 to 15:00 UTC on MeetEcho. A Datatracker login is required to 
	attend the plenary.

	The IETF 112 Welcome Reception will take place immediately following the plenary 
	from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC on gather.town. There will be interactive games (optional) 
	and it will be a great opportunity to reconnect with IETF friends and make new ones! 
	Hot RFC Lightning Talks will take place in the same gather.town room as the 
	Welcome Reception from 15:15 to 16:15 UTC.

4. IETF 112 Meeting T-Shirts:

         Thanks to our meeting host, Ericsson, for generously providing 112 meeting 
         t-shirts to all registered attendees. After you register you will be able 
         to choose if you want to receive a IETF 112 t-shirt delivered to you at no 
         additional expense. You must take action to request a t-shirt: it is not 
         part of the meeting registration form. To reserve your t-shirt, visit your 
         personal meeting dashboard
         (i.e. https://registration.ietf.org/112/attendee-dashboard/YOURREGISTRATION#/) 
         Direct link to your dashboard is also available in your confirmation
         email. Limited quantities are available, on a first-come-first-served
         basis with a limit of one per registration.

5. Draft Submission Deadline

	Internet Draft submission cut-off (for all drafts, including -00) is
	today, Monday, October 25th by UTC 23:59. Please feel free to upload drafts
	using the upload submissions tool found below:

6.  Hackathon:

	The IETF is holding a Hackathon to encourage
 	developers to discuss, collaborate and develop utilities, ideas,
 	sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of
 	IETF standards.

	When: Monday, November 01 through Friday, November 05, 2021
	Signup for the Hackathon: https://registration.ietf.org/112/new/hackathon/
	More information can be found here: https://www.ietf.org/how/runningcode/hackathons/112-hackathon/
	Keep up to date by subscribing to: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/hackathon

	The Hackathon is free to attend and open to all. Extend
	the invitation to colleagues outside the IETF!

	Descriptions and information regarding the technologies
	for the hackathon are located on the IETF 112 Meeting Wiki:

	Don’t see anything that interests you? Feel free to add
	your preferred technology to the list, sign up as its
	Champion and show up to work on it. Note: you must login to
	the wiki to add content. If you do add a new technology, we
	strongly suggest that you send an email to hackathon@ietf.org
	to let others know. You may generate interest in your
	technology, and find other people who want to contribute to