[112all] IETF 112 - Post-meeting follow up, survey and special thanks

IETF Executive Director <exec-director@ietf.org> Mon, 15 November 2021 01:42 UTC

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IETF 112
8-12 November 2021
Hosted by Ericsson

IETF 112 has concluded.  Thank you all participants, chairs, presenters, contractors and staff who worked hard to put this meeting together.  We had 1175 logged in participants.

We would really appreciate your feedback on the meeting to help us understand if the changes we have made have led to the intended improvements.  Please take a few minutes to fill out our post-meeting survey:


Recordings of IETF 112 sessions are at:


A final big thanks to Ericsson for hosting this meeting in what continue to be difficult times.  Thanks to to Akamai and Cisco for being our Gold Diversity and Inclusivity sponsors, Huawei for being a silver sponsor and Comcast, Donuts and CNNIC for being our bronze sponsors.

Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director