Re: [115attendees] My CO2 complete measurement sets so far

Jay Daley <> Fri, 11 November 2022 15:19 UTC

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Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 15:18:51 +0000
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For this meeting I bought a set of Aranet 4 CO2 sensors and some LLC/Secretariat people took those around with them throughout the week. This is the same device that a few others had, but different from that Carsten mentioned below.  It costs approx EUR200 for the "home" model and EUR242 for the "pro" version.  Several times I put my device next to another to compare readings and with other Aranet 4 devices the difference was max +/-5%.  With Carsten’s device below the difference was 20%+. 

We haven’t had a chance to share readings so I can only speak for myself - I had one time where the C02 level rose over 1000ppm, which was during the Hackathon. Most of the time, the reading was in the 500-700ppm range, except for some crowded meetings where it went to 800ish.

The reason for buying these was to get some idea if there is a problem with CO2 that we need to consider in our venue management processes throughout the meeting week.  It appears that the most we can do is have the fans turned up and risk the room getting too hot/cold and that this seems to work quite well.  However, if we have to do this regularly then there is likely to be resource impact that we need to plan for, so for now we are just measuring and not committing to act on high readings.


> On 11 Nov 2022, at 12:28, Carsten Bormann <> wrote:
> (I got a cheap Chinese thing, which would have cost $40, but then I got a Warehouse deal so it cost me $20.  Numbers meshes with both my netatmos and with other cheap Chinese instruments.  Previous buyer probably returned because it throws out confusing numbers the first four minutes after switching it on, which appears to be common with inexpensive NDIR sensors.)
> Remember that, to get accurate readings, your breath should not enter a CO2 measuring device (not even for 1 %), so make sure you are not holding it wrong.  (Similar if you also use a built-in thermometer or hygrometer — using either of them handheld is going to give you bad measurements.)
> Grüße, Carsten
> -- 
> 115attendees mailing list

Jay Daley
IETF Executive Director