[6lo] Meeting cancellation and WG status (Re: Virtual 6Lo WG meeting - Call for agenda items - 27th April)
Carles Gomez Montenegro <carlesgo@entel.upc.edu> Tue, 14 April 2020 16:01 UTC
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Subject: [6lo] Meeting cancellation and WG status (Re: Virtual 6Lo WG meeting - Call for agenda items - 27th April)
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Dear 6Lo WG, We announce the cancellation of the virtual interim 6Lo WG meeting that was intended as a replacement for the originally scheduled in-person IETF 107 6Lo WG meeting. The reason for the cancellation is that, this time, we (the chairs) received a low number of presentation requests. Note that, currently, there are five 6Lo WG documents in the RFC Editor Queue: - draft-ietf-6lo-deadline-time-05 - draft-ietf-6lo-ap-nd-20 - draft-ietf-6lo-backbone-router-20 - draft-ietf-6lo-fragment-recovery-21 - draft-ietf-6lo-minimal-fragment-15 There is also another WG document in IESG processing: - draft-ietf-6lo-nfc-15: awaiting responses after authors' actions The three other WG documents are at different stages: - draft-ietf-6lo-blemesh-07: shepherd write-up ready. - draft-ietf-6lo-use-cases-08: to be updated. - draft-ietf-6lo-plc-02: was updated (expect related news soon). And there are two individual documents that have attracted interest and triggered discussion: - draft-wachter-6lo-can-01 - draft-toutain-6lo-6lo-and-schc-00 Based on the feedback that we received, we actually plan to hold an IETF 108 6Lo WG meeting. Meanwhile, we encourage you to continue working on and contributing to the progress of existing or new drafts. Finally, we would like to thank all authors, reviewers, and everyone who helped progressing 6Lo documents for their hard work! Cheers, and stay safe, Shwetha and Carles > Dear all, > > As you know, the exceptional situation due to COVID-19 led to cancelling > the in-person IETF 107 meeting. > > As a replacement for the 6Lo WG session that was originally scheduled for > IETF 107, we plan to hold a virtual interim 6Lo WG meeting. As recommended > by the IESG, we plan to hold the virtual meeting on Monday, 27th of April > (at a time yet to be determined, and with further details to be provided). > > Please send your requests for agenda items to the chairs by Thursday, 26th > of March. Please provide us with the following information: > > - Draft name > - Presenter name > - Expected duration > - Objective of the discussion > > As usual, we will need minute takers. Please do not hesitate to volunteer! > > Should you have any comments or questions, please let us know. > > Thanks, > > Shwetha and Carles > > _______________________________________________ > 6lo mailing list > 6lo@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/6lo >
- [6lo] Virtual 6Lo WG meeting - Call for agenda it… Carles Gomez Montenegro
- [6lo] Meeting cancellation and WG status (Re: Vir… Carles Gomez Montenegro