[6lowpan] ND-18 Multiple Prefix
Tom <my.mailing.acc@gmail.com> Fri, 03 February 2012 17:32 UTC
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Subject: [6lowpan] ND-18 Multiple Prefix
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Hello Everyone, Kindly clarify does ND-18 support multiple prefix (and multiple address/node derived from these prefixes). I raise this doubt because the assumption section, bullet 4 says -> a 6lowpan is configured with one or more prefixes, and the final bullet says -> since the 6lowpan shares one single prefix through out the network. Further, if 6LBR is advertising multiple prefix and host configures multiple global addresses based on these prefix how will they be useful. Will not the 6LR/6LBR reject registration through ARO from different source address but same EUI-64 (same node auto configuring with different prefixes). Regards, Thomas Chacko
- [6lowpan] ND-18 Multiple Prefix Tom
- Re: [6lowpan] ND-18 Multiple Prefix Erik Nordmark
- Re: [6lowpan] ND-18 Multiple Prefix Carsten Bormann