[6lowpan] Adoption of draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz as a new 6man WG document
Anders Brandt <Anders_Brandt@sigmadesigns.com> Wed, 19 June 2013 07:05 UTC
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From: Anders Brandt <Anders_Brandt@sigmadesigns.com>
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Thread-Topic: Adoption of draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz as a new 6man WG document
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Subject: [6lowpan] Adoption of draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz as a new 6man WG document
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(CC'ed to 6lowpan@ietf.org, 6lo@ietf.org) The Internet Draft http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz-02 was submitted on June 18, 2013. Since the -00 revision, the Internet Draft has been updated to address all comments received. The authors would therefore like to ask that the document as adopted as a 6MAN WG document. This document SHOULD be owned by the 6LoWPAN WG. 6LoWPAN is however not active. This document MAY be owned by the 6Lo WG. 6Lo is however pending a BOF in Berlin. For the time being, the 6MAN WG is therefore proposed as the home of this Internet Draft. Thanks, Anders Brandt > -----Original Message----- > From: Anders Brandt > Sent: 19. juni 2013 08:45 > To: 6lowpan@ietf.org > Subject: New Version Notification for draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz-02.txt > > A new version of I-D, draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz-02.txt has been posted to > the IETF repository. > > Filename: draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz > Revision: 02 > Title: Transmission of IPv6 packets over ITU-T G.9959 Networks > Creation date: 2013-06-18 > Group: Individual Submission > Number of pages: 14 > URL: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz- > 02.txt > Status: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz > Htmlized: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz-02 > Diff: http://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz-02 > > Abstract: > This document describes the frame format for transmission of IPv6 > packets and a method of forming IPv6 link-local addresses and > statelessly autoconfigured IPv6 addresses on ITU-T G.9959 networks. > > > Cheers, > Anders Brandt
- [6lowpan] Adoption of draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz a… Anders Brandt
- [6lowpan] draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz as a new 6man… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [6lowpan] draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz as a new … Zach Shelby
- Re: [6lowpan] draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz as a new … Carsten Bormann
- [6lowpan] Adoption of draft-brandt-6man-lowpanz a… Anders Brandt