[6lowpan] nd-18 NCE
Tom <my.mailing.acc@gmail.com> Tue, 07 February 2012 11:04 UTC
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Hi All, Is there any state transition diagram available for the NCE maintenance in ND-18. Also, kindly clarify what does "A renewed ARO should mark the cache entry as STALE" . Is it to say that the first time a ARO is received the NCE becomes REGISTERED and for all the subsequent received AROs from the same node the NCE is set to STALE, but not grabage-collected and treated as REGISTERED. Or is that a NCE now has two state variables (4861 state = probe,stale etc and ND-18 state - registered or tentative). Regards, Thomas Chacko
- [6lowpan] nd-18 NCE Tom
- Re: [6lowpan] nd-18 NCE Thomas Chacko