Re: [6lowpan] New version of IPv6 over BT-LE draft

Carsten Bormann <> Fri, 27 January 2012 15:30 UTC

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Subject: Re: [6lowpan] New version of IPv6 over BT-LE draft
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On Jan 27, 2012, at 08:10, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just to inform that our draft “Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Bluetooth Low Energy” was updated some weeks ago based on the WGLC comments. Version 5 is available at:

Thanks, Johanna.

<with chair hat>

This draft passed WGLC on 2012-01-05.
While trying to write the proto writeup as a prerequisite for asking for publication as a Standards-Track, I found a number of (in part not entirely trivial) editorial issues that I'm sending directly to the authors.

I also have a couple of technical observations that I believe need to be addressed before we can go ahead.

            device MAY also derive the IID of the other endpoint of a L2CAP
            connection from the Link Layer connection establishment messages.

-So how do we get consistency here?
-It is not acceptable if endpoints derive the wrong address -- among
-many problems, pseudoheader-based checksums will simply fail.

            When a BT-LE slave transmits an IPv6 packet to a remote destination
            using global IPv6 addresses, the slave MUST elide the IPv6 source

-To be able to compress a global prefix, it must have acquired a
-context.  How do you make sure that is the case, to enable fulfilling
-that MUST?

            The 6LBR/master can infer the elided IPv6 source address
            since 1) the master/6LBR has previously assigned the prefix to the

-In IPv6, there may be more than one prefix.
-That's why RFC 6282 has a context identifier.


            If a context is defined for the prefix of the IPv6 source address,
            the master/6LBR MUST elide that prefix as well.

-In summary, we use RFC 6282, but extend it to make, in some of the
-cases, compression mandatory?
-The intro to this section should say that.

Summarizing my observations:  
a) Whenever the spec leaves a choice, it must either 
-- explain why this choice does not cause interoperability problems, or
-- make sure that peers make the same choice.
b) Whenever the spec constrains an existing spec, it must
-- explain why the constrained behavior is always indeed possible at all,
-- make sure that both peers operate the constraint in the same way.

I don't see a way around generating a -06 that addresses these issues, before I can do the proto writeup -- if we don't fix these items now, they will be much more work to fix in the IESG phase.

Grüße, Carsten