[6lowpan] Question about RA packets
Damien Roth <d42roth@gmail.com> Fri, 09 March 2012 14:51 UTC
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Subject: [6lowpan] Question about RA packets
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Hello, I have a question about the Router Advertisement (RA) packets described in draft-ietf-6lowpan-nd-18. As I figure out, the RA packets are built like this : RA header + SLLAO + ABRO + ( PIO + 6CO ) * number_of_prefixes With one prefix, the sum of the header / options length is equal to 104 bytes. Here is the detail : RA : 16 bytes SLLAO : 16 bytes ABRO : 24 bytes PIO : 32 bytes 6CO : 16 bytes -------------- 104 bytes However, in 802.15.4 the maximum length of the payload is 102 bytes (127 bytes - 25 bytes for the MAC header). Which means that every RA packet have to be fragmented before being sent to the MAC layer. Is my reasoning correct ? Regards, -- Damien ROTH - PhD student Strasbourg University, France
- [6lowpan] Question about RA packets Damien Roth
- Re: [6lowpan] Question about RA packets Carsten Bormann