[6lowpan] Sensors using CoAP over IPv6 over BT-LE demo on Tuesday morning 8-9
<teemu.savolainen@nokia.com> Sun, 25 March 2012 08:26 UTC
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From: teemu.savolainen@nokia.com
To: 6lowpan@ietf.org, lwip@ietf.org
Thread-Topic: Sensors using CoAP over IPv6 over BT-LE demo on Tuesday morning 8-9
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Hi, Please come and see demonstration of IPv6 over Bluetooth Low Energy implementation related to draft-ietf-6lowpan-btle-06. In the demo we have IPv6 enabled heart-rate belt and thermistor sensor. These sensors act as CoAP servers and provide measurements for CoAP client running on a web server. We did not (yet at least) got any specific room for this, so we plan to show the demo just prior to Core WG meeting at: Tuesday March 27, 08:00 - 9:00 room 243. As a fallback we will show this on corridor just next to 243 (the demo is quite portableJ Best regards, Teemu
- [6lowpan] Sensors using CoAP over IPv6 over BT-LE… teemu.savolainen