[6lowpan] DTLS for IoT working group effort
Zach Shelby <zach@sensinode.com> Tue, 28 May 2013 08:53 UTC
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We are working on a new working group effort focused on making the use of DTLS even better for Internet of Things applications using CoAP. This group would first focus on efficient profiling of DTLS and multicast support using the DTLS record layer. If security for IoT is interesting for you, please join our mailing list: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dtls-iot We are planning to hold a BOF in Berlin. The group is hosting a Google Doc with our background information, proposed Charter and action items. Regards, Zach -- Zach Shelby, Chief Nerd, Sensinode Ltd. http://www.sensinode.com @SensinodeIoT Mobile: +358 40 7796297 Twitter: @zach_shelby LinkedIn: http://fi.linkedin.com/in/zachshelby 6LoWPAN Book: http://6lowpan.net
- [6lowpan] DTLS for IoT working group effort Zach Shelby