[6lowpan] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF83
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Fri, 24 February 2012 08:26 UTC
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Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:25:53 +0100
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Subject: [6lowpan] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF83
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Here is my usual compilation of the draft agenda for IETF83. Note that this agenda is subject to change, so please don't plan travel around it. This time, we are nicely spread out over the week, so a lot of things will happen between the meeting slots. Grüße, Carsten ***DRAFT*** Agenda for Constrained Node/Network related events during IETF 83 in Paris ***Subject to change*** -- don't plan travel around this * FRIDAY, March 23, 2012 IAB Workshop on Smart Object Security * SATURDAY, March 24, 2012; SUNDAY, March 25, 2012 ETSI CoAP plugfest * MONDAY, March 26, 2012 0900-1130 Maillot OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG * TUESDAY, March 27, 2012 0900-1130 243 APP *core* Constrained RESTful Environments WG Maillot INT homenet Home Networking WG 1300-1500 241 OPS eman Energy Management WG * WEDNESDAY, March 28, 2012 0900-1130 242AB INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG 1300-1500 241 RTG *roll* Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG * THURSDAY, March 29, 2012 1300-1500 Maillot INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG 1520-1720 252B INT *lwig* Light-Weight Implementation Guidance WG Maillot OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG * FRIDAY, March 30, 2012 0900-1100 253 APP *core* Constrained RESTful Environments WG
- [6lowpan] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [6lowpan] [core] Constrained Node/Network Clu… Carsten Bormann