Re: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

Maria Rita PALATTELLA <> Tue, 22 November 2016 11:57 UTC

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From: Maria Rita PALATTELLA <>
To: "Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <>, Xavi Vilajosana Guillen <>, tisch <>
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sure, we can add CCA among the terms.

Pascal, about the last call for the terminology draft, I believe we can go for it.

Maybe we only need to check first if there are new terms coming from the 6P and SF0 drafts (but I doubt, because we checked already last time), or from the latest security related drafts (draft-vucinic-6tisch-minimal-security, and draft-richardson-6tisch-dtsecurity-secure-join).

@Malisa and Michael: do you see any term missing? you would like to add?

Thank you
Maria Rita

From: Pascal Thubert (pthubert) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 12:28 PM
To: Xavi Vilajosana Guillen; Maria Rita PALATTELLA; tisch
Subject: RE: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

That would be good.

Also: as discussed at the IETF meeting, we also need to trigger last call for the terminology draft, which will cause minimal to be held for publication otherwise.

Maria-Rita, do you think we are ready for that?

Take care,


From: 6tisch [] On Behalf Of Xavi Vilajosana Guillen
Sent: mardi 22 novembre 2016 11:58
To: Maria Rita PALATTELLA <>; tisch <>
Subject: [6tisch] Adding CCA to the terminology draft

Dear Maria Rita,

I would like to suggest adding the following definition to the terminology draft so we can point to it from minimal.

CCA: Clear Channel Assessment. Mechanism defined in <xref target="IEEE802154-2015"/>, section In a TSCH network, CCA can be used to detect other radio networks in vicinity. Nodes listen before sending to detect other ongoing transmissions. Because the network is synchronized, CCA cannot be used to detect colliding transmission within the same network.

let me know if this is possible.

Dr. Xavier Vilajosana Guillén­
Research Professor
Wireless Networks Research Group
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya­

+34 646 633 681|<>­ | Skype­: xvilajosana

Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. Edifici B3
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)

