[6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data packet with IE confirmation
"Prof. Diego Dujovne" <diego.dujovne@mail.udp.cl> Thu, 03 March 2016 15:41 UTC
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Subject: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data packet with IE confirmation
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Dear all, Given that there is parent preference in cell selection, a child-initiated transaction triggers a three-step exchange: 1- Child sends request to Parent with whitelist/blacklist of slotoffsets 2- Parent selects cells 3- Child acknowledges and finishes the transaction The main idea is to enable an optional Piggybacking of the IE on a data packet to reduce the number of transmitted packets, but there are latency concerns when the (data) traffic is low. Is it worth to enable this option given the added complexity? Regards, Diego Dujovne -- DIEGO DUJOVNE Académico Escuela de Ingeniería en Informática y Telecomunicaciones Facultad de Ingeniería UDP www.ingenieria.udp.cl (56 2) 676 8125
- [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data pack… Prof. Diego Dujovne
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Lijo Thomas
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Qin Wang
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Qin Wang
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Lijo Thomas
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Lijo Thomas
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Piggybacking data … Pascal Thubert (pthubert)