[6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0
Tengfei Chang <tengfei.chang@gmail.com> Wed, 02 November 2016 14:29 UTC
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Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:29:54 +0100
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Subject: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0
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All, For the decision when a node is restarted, the SF0 says: In order to define a known state after the node is restarted, a CLEAR command is issued to each of the neighbor nodes to enable a new allocation process. The 6P Initial Timeout Value provided by SF0 should allow for the maximum number of TSCH link-layer retries, as defined by Section 4.3.4 of [I-D.ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6tisch-6top-sf0-02#ref-I-D.ietf-6tisch-6top-protocol>]. TODO/ REMARK: The initial timeout is currently under discussion. A little suggestion is DO NOT issue a clear command to previous parent until the nodes has reserved new cells to its new parent. This is to avoid the swing if the reservation failed to its new parent and changed back to previous parent. What do you think? Tengfei -- Chang Tengfei, Pre-Postdoctoral Research Engineer, Inria
- [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Tengfei Chang
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Yasuyuki Tanaka
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Thomas Watteyne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Tengfei Chang
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Prof. Diego Dujovne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Thomas Watteyne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Prof. Diego Dujovne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Thomas Watteyne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Yasuyuki Tanaka
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Thomas Watteyne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Yasuyuki Tanaka
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Thomas Watteyne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Prof. Diego Dujovne
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Yasuyuki Tanaka
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Yasuyuki Tanaka
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Michael Richardson
- Re: [6tisch] [6TiSCH] Node Behavior at Boot in SF0 Thomas Watteyne