Re: [6tisch] [6lo] Compression Reference and Coalescence

Tengfei Chang <> Tue, 26 January 2016 16:56 UTC

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Subject: Re: [6tisch] [6lo] Compression Reference and Coalescence
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Nice to hear that's what you intended to do!

In  the beginning of section 4.3:

   Once the address of the source of the packet is determined, it
   becomes the reference for the compression of the addresses that are
   located in compressed RH3 headers that are present inside the IP-in-
   IP encapsulation in the uncompressed form.


When I am understanding the sentence, I am feeling like all the compression
of addresses in RH3 will be compressed according to source address in
IPinIP, which only the first 8 bytes can be elided.

If agree with the reasonable one, it should be the first address in first
RH3 is compressed according to the source address in IPinIP.
Then, all rest address in RH3 will be compressed according to the first
address in RH3.

Make sense?

On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:23 PM, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) <> wrote:

> Hello Tengfei:
> The draft is meant to express exactly what your reasonable case shows.
> There is an example of that in appendix.
> What exactly did I write improperly that it can be understood otherwise?
> Take care ;
> Pascal
> *From:* 6lo [] *On Behalf Of *Tengfei Chang
> *Sent:* lundi 25 janvier 2016 12:00
> *To:*;
> *Subject:* [6lo] Compression Reference and Coalescence
> Dear all,
> I have some concern on the compression Reference and Coalescence.
> In the 6lorh draft, all the hops in RH3 are compressed according to the
> compression reference (the source address, root usually). And when doing
> Coalescence, the process is kind of like taking the first address in first
> RH3 as the reference. The inconsistency between compression reference and
> Coalescense may waste some bytes in some cases.
> For example:
> A packet is issued by root with a compressed RH3 along an A->B->C->D
> source route path.
> The nodes address are:
> root:      bbbb::0000:0000:0000:0001
> node A: bbbb::1111:2222:3333:0001
> node B: bbbb::1111:2222:3333:0002
> node C: bbbb::1111:2222:3333:0003
> node D: bbbb::1111:2222:3333:0004
> According to the 6lorh draft: all hops in RH3 will be compressed according
> to reference, which is the root. The  Packet received by node A is:
> ----------------------------
> Type 3 RH3-6LoRH Size = 2  1111 2222 3333 0001
>                                            1111 2222 3333 0002
>                                            1111 2222 3333 0003
> And which maybe more reasonable packet would be like :
> ----------------------------
> Type 3 RH3-6LoRH Size = 0  1111 2222 3333 0001
> Type 0 RH3-6LoRH Size = 1  02
>                                             03
> Which means the first hop in first RH3 entry is compressed according to
> the reference(which is the root in this case) and the rest hops are
> compressed according to the first hop in first RH3 entry. For me, this
> compression way is more consistent  with the way when doing coalescence.
> What do you think?
> Tengfei