[6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Examples of error handling
"Prof. Diego Dujovne" <diego.dujovne@mail.udp.cl> Thu, 03 March 2016 20:41 UTC
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Subject: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Examples of error handling
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Dear all, One of the sections I would like to add to the SF0 draft is the examples of error handling. One example could be Timeout handling: When a transaction times out, either a packet is lost, the destination node lost connectivity or it is too busy to answer on time. Consequence: The transaction, in any stage, should be rolled back by both ends. Here, both nodes are expected to Timeout. Section 3.6.2 of the sublayer draft "Aborting a 6P transaction", cannot be used, since in this case there is no response. I propose to issue a rollback command such as "IANA_6TOP_CMD_ROLLBACK" to the destination node using the same token from the original transaction, and do not wait for an answer. This enables the source node to try a new transaction before the destination node times out, thus reducing delay. Would you agree in adding this command to reduce delay? Another issue should be Retry handling, in case of timeout. Do we allow retries within a transaction? If we allow retries, the maximum number of retries before considering a transaction failed should be configured on the SF. Thank you. Regards, Diego Dujovne -- DIEGO DUJOVNE Académico Escuela de Ingeniería en Informática y Telecomunicaciones Facultad de Ingeniería UDP www.ingenieria.udp.cl (56 2) 676 8125
- [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Examples of error hand… Prof. Diego Dujovne
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Examples of error … Tengfei Chang
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Examples of error … Prof. Diego Dujovne
- Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Examples of error … Tengfei Chang