Re: [6tisch] 6tisch join requirements for 6top

Tero Kivinen <> Mon, 01 December 2014 13:31 UTC

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Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:26:06 +0200
From: Tero Kivinen <>
To: Michael Richardson <>
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Cc: "Raghuram Sudhaakar (rsudhaak)" <>,, Robert Moskowitz <>
Subject: Re: [6tisch] 6tisch join requirements for 6top
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Michael Richardson writes:
> Tero Kivinen <> wrote:
>     >> d) a network-wide "PSK", to be used with 802.15.9 mode IKEv2
>     >> (Shared key message integrity code. ditto about broadcast)
>     > How the broadcast/multicast keys are keyed is not really defined in
>     > the 15.9, but it is left for the upper layer. I.e. 15.4 the keys are
>     > identified with the two attributes, Key Source and Key Index. The
>     > format of the Key Source depends on the Key Identifier Mode value.
>     > There are 4 different values for the Key Identifier Mode:
> So, it's not enough to say "use 15.9" for key derivation, having provided
> locally significant certificates.  

Not really, as it would about the same as say use IPsec for protecting
the IP packets. It does not yet specify how the policy is set up and
which kind of configuration should be used in either ends. In 802.15.4
the problems are just bit lower than in IPsec, i.e. you need to define
what kind of keys you want to create, and how to identify those keys. 

> We also need a way to define a key for multicast operations, and I don't see
> a way to do this other than having the join process provision one.  

Who will own that multicast key, i.e. who decides when it is going to
be rekeyed? Who will give that key out to others? Do everybody have
direct connection to the owner of the key? Are there going to be
multiple senders for that key or just one?

What Key Identifier Mode you are planning to identify the key, what
KeySource and KeyIndex values etc?

You could for example specify that the pan coordinator "owns" the
multicast key, so he will take care of rekying etc, and the Key Source
field of the auxiliary security header specifies him.

For example using Key Identifier Mode 1 (everybody set their
macDefaultKeySource to match the extended address of the pan
coordinator) and specifying that Key Index 0x10-0x1f is used for this
multicast group (this would allow 16 groups so pan coordinator can
create new key, and every time he sees someone using old key, he can
send them new key, and ask them to delete old one).

Then on the actual frames the senders most likely would use full
extended address when sending packet to multicast group as source
address (so even those who do not know the senders short address can
get the packet), and use Key Identifier Mode 1 and the Key Source and
Key Index matching the pan coordinator to indicate they are using
multicast group key owned by pan coordinator.

Or something like that. There are other options available too, and you
need to think which one of those is best suited for your needs.