[75attendees] IETF74 T-Shirt Art Donated to IETF Trust

"Gregory M. Lebovitz" <gregory.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 31 July 2009 07:49 UTC

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Subject: [75attendees] IETF74 T-Shirt Art Donated to IETF Trust
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I have been asked about this several times this week, so I'd like to 
clarify here for all.

Juniper has donated the art for the highly popular IETF74 San 
Francisco T-shirt (brown, IPv6 World Tour, "concert" concept) to the 
IETF Trust. This was done because a) many people wanted to buy more 
of these shirts, b) the IETF expressed an interest in fulfilling 
those requests.

We hope this art can be leveraged to spread the message about IPv6 
transition broadly across the Internet community, in a fun and cool 
way . The ball is now in Ray (and team's) court.

Hope it helps, and enjoy,
the Juniper host team from IETF74

IETF-related email from
Gregory M. Lebovitz
Juniper Networks
g r e go r  y d o t  i e tf a t  g m a i l  do t c o  m