[76attendees] Wifi on N700 nozomi trains
Joe Abley <joe.abley@icann.org> Sat, 07 November 2009 05:38 UTC
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From: Joe Abley <joe.abley@icann.org>
To: "76attendees@ietf.org" <76attendees@ietf.org>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 21:38:39 -0800
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Apologies if this has been asked before and I missed it -- is there a way for a foreign visitor to Japan who is not a customer of a Japanese ISP or mobile phone company to get wifi on the N700 nozomi trains between Tokyo and Hiroshima? I see plenty of SSIDs, but they all seem to require WEP (or similar) keys. I have good 3G Internet access on my iPhone, but nothing for the laptop, and there are still several hours to fill on this train :-) -- Sent using large thumbs on tiny keyboard.
- [76attendees] Wifi on N700 nozomi trains Joe Abley
- Re: [76attendees] Wifi on N700 nozomi trains Hideki Sunahara