[76attendees] Highly recommended: bicycle rental
Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer+ietf@nic.fr> Sun, 08 November 2009 03:02 UTC
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I just tried the E-cycle service <http://www.ietf76.jp/special_events/#3> and I highly recommend it: the city is really made for the bicycle (large roads, little traffic on Sunday, and you are entitled to the sidewalks in some places). It is a very nice way to go to the Castle, for instance. But my favorite is the park along the Kyobashi river, at the east of the city. Just remember that the japanese drive on the left...
- [76attendees] Highly recommended: bicycle rental Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [76attendees] Highly recommended: bicycle ren… Ronald van der Pol