[76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor
"Andrew G. Malis" <agmalis@gmail.com> Sat, 07 November 2009 04:23 UTC
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From: "Andrew G. Malis" <agmalis@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 13:21:56 +0900
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Subject: [76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor
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I found the ATM in the post office in the NHK building - it's not obvious. Exit the hotel, turn right, and cross the street, heading for the Starbucks sign. Do not take the escalator up to Starbucks, rather, enter the NHK building at the ground floor and take the main elevator on your right. You'll see a sign in front of the elevator for the Post Office on the 3rd floor. After exiting the elevator, turn left and go down a very narrow corridor. The post office is directly in front of you with a sliding glass door, and the ATM is directly inside the door on your right. My Bank of America ATM card worked just fine. If you don't want a 10,000 Yen bill, then get 9,000 Yen and you'll get nine 1,000 Yen bills. Note that there's a different ATM next to Starbucks on the 2nd floor. That one did not accept my Bank of America card. The post office ATM is open today (Saturday) until 5 PM and is closed tomorrow. Cheers, Andy
- [76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor Andrew G. Malis
- Re: [76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor Christian Vogt
- Re: [76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor Bob Hinden
- Re: [76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [76attendees] ATM in NHK building on 3rd floor David Quigley