[76attendees] Salsa in Hiroshima

Zach Shelby <zach@sensinode.com> Sun, 08 November 2009 05:02 UTC

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For any dancing engineers, it turns out Hiroshima is the Salsa capital  
of Japan ;-) I ran into some local dancers, and tested their local  
latin club called Mambos. Just a 10 minute walk from ANA, lots of fun.  
Tuesday night after 10 pm there should be plenty of people there, so  
head there after the social.

#20 on the Get Hiroshima map



http://zachshelby.org - My blog “On the Internet of Things”
Mobile: +358 40 7796297

Zach Shelby
Head of Research
Sensinode Ltd.
Kidekuja 2
88610 Vuokatti, FINLAND

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