[76attendees] more network praise

Ed Jankiewicz <edward.jankiewicz@sri.com> Fri, 13 November 2009 13:14 UTC

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I'm on the ANA hotel network tonight, and it is quite apparent that the 
magic dust sprinkled by the NOC has worn off.  It has turned back into a 

it's been said many times, but bears repeating.  The extra effort the 
NOC takes to reinforce the hotel network against the hordes of netizens 
is very important.  Rather than crushing the hotel "casual user" service 
model network, we get excellent performance.  Sorry to see them go on 

Ed Jankiewicz - SRI International
Fort Monmouth Branch Office - IPv6 Research 
Supporting DISA Standards Engineering Branch
732-389-1003 or  ed.jankiewicz@sri.com