[76attendees] Sunday travel?
"Joel M. Halpern" <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Thu, 12 November 2009 23:57 UTC
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Are there folks flying out of Kansai Sunday evening, who are going directly from Hiroshima? Traveling with others is always more pleasant. Thank you, Joel
- [76attendees] All Nippon Airways, Flight 3128 Sat… Marshall Eubanks
- Re: [76attendees] All Nippon Airways, Flight 3128… Derek Atkins
- Re: [76attendees] All Nippon Airways, Flight 3128… sfaibish
- Re: [76attendees] All Nippon Airways, Flight 3128… Ben Campbell
- Re: [76attendees] All Nippon Airways, Flight 3128… Marshall Eubanks
- [76attendees] Sunday travel? Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Zartash Uzmi
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Eric Burger
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Stephane Bortzmeyer
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Scott Brim
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Warren Kumari
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Tony Li
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Adam Roach
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? Olafur Gudmundsson
- Re: [76attendees] Sunday travel? sfaibish