Re: Email Subaddressing

"D. J. Bernstein" <> Thu, 31 July 1997 08:52 UTC

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Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 08:30:54 -0000
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From: "D. J. Bernstein" <>
Subject: Re: Email Subaddressing
Precedence: bulk

(Please don't send me duplicates, Chris.)

> There are two cases where MUAs need to cooperate with subaddresses:
> 1) MUAs which don't allow from to be edited otherwise.

This is a purely local configuration problem.

> 2) MUAs which validate local addresses against a white pages or authdb
> service.

A service that claims to check mail addresses obviously has to
understand subaddresses. This is a purely local configuration problem.

> 1) List server restricts posting to subscribers.

You have no right to demand that list owners accept your mail.

> There are several cases where a final delivery agent needs to cooperate
> with subaddresses:

All of those cases are purely local configuration problems.

I suppose next we're going to see a document explaining how sendmail
interacts with procmail, and requiring that all MTAs and LDAs work the
same way.

Set up a new mailing list in a single command.