[89all] IETF 89 - Meeting Venue Information

IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Sat, 01 March 2014 18:27 UTC

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1. Prayer Room
2. Lounge
3. Break Areas
4. Grab and Go Lunch

1. Prayer Room
A Prayer Room is available for all those that wish to use it. The room name is Harbert and is located on the Mezzanine Level of the East Tower. This room will be available starting on Sunday, 2 March - Friday, 7 March.

2. Lounge
Windsor Suite on 2nd Lower Ground Floor in the East Tower has been set up as a lounge. This room will be available starting on Monday, 3 March.

3. Break Areas
There will be several areas set up for the beverage and snack break. The areas set up will be:
West Wing
- Ground Floor Foyer
- 1st Floor, Monarch Suite
- 3rd Floor, King's Suite
East Wing:
- 2nd Lower Ground Floor, Windsor Suite
- Mezzanine Floor

4. Grab and Go Lunch
The hotel has set up a grab and go area for lunch. They will offer a variety of sandwiches and salads for sale in the Tower Wing Foyer from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM starting Monday, 3 March.