[89all] Fwd: Jabber issues

Alexa Morris <amorris@amsl.com> Wed, 05 March 2014 17:45 UTC

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And to add to what Matt has said below, if you do want to report any issues regarding jabber moving forward (at this meeting and at future ones) please use mtd@ietf.org rather than the NOC ticket desk. AMS is responsible for managing the jabber server.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Matt Larson <mlarson@amsl.com>
> Date: March 5, 2014 5:05:15 PM GMT
> To: 89all@ietf.org
> Subject: [89all] Jabber issues
> Greetings!
> We have received several reports of connectivity issues with users from jabber.org accounts being able to connect to chat rooms but being unable to send messages.
> We are looking into the problem and an update will be sent when more information becomes available.
> Matt
> -------------------------------------------
> Matthew Larson, Asst. IT Director
> Association Management Solutions
> Forum Management, Meeting and Event Planning
> 48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117, Fremont, CA  94538
> http://www.amsl.com
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Alexa Morris / Executive Director / IETF
48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117, Fremont, CA  94538
Phone: +1.510.492.4089 / Fax: +1.510.492.4001
Email: amorris@amsl.com

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Forum Management, Meeting and Event Planning
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