[89all] IETF 89 Bits-N-Bites Cancelled

IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Sat, 22 February 2014 17:36 UTC

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The IETF created the Bits-N-Bites event with the goal of allowing exhibitors, product vendors, and service providers to share information and to showcase products and services to IETF community in a social setting with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails.  However for the upcoming London meeting we had trouble achieving the desired number of sponsors and we felt the format was becoming repetitive based on feedback from previous events.  Due to these issues we have decided to pause Bits-N-Bites for this meeting and look to adjust the format for IETF 90 in Toronto.   

We welcome any feedback you may have with the Bits-N-Bites program, and we look forward to kicking it back off in Toronto and hope you enjoy an additional night of great British food and the wonderful pub scene.

Thank you

Chris Griffiths
IAOC Chair