[89all] Jabber issues

Matt Larson <mlarson@amsl.com> Wed, 05 March 2014 18:16 UTC

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We have received several reports about users not being able to send messages to IETF Jabber rooms from jabber.org accounts.  We have completed an examination of the server logs and performed a series of tests in an effort to isolate and correct the problem.

During the course of testing, I verified that my personal jabber.org account is able to connect to IETF Jabber rooms, but is unable to send a message to either a chat room or to an individual user.  I was also able to duplicate these results on the secretariat's in-house jabber system, which is on a different server, on a different network, and running a different jabber server software package.

Connections from other jabber account servers appear to be working properly.  We therefore suggest that users who are encountering difficulties with IETF Jabber rooms from jabber.org accounts consider utilizing a different jabber account provider.  There is a list of free jabber account providers on the IETF Jabber Services page, located here: http://www.ietf.org/jabber/

We thank you for your patience while we have examined this issue, and we hope that the suggestions above will prove helpful.

As always, if you have issues with Jabber services for the IETF meetings, please contact us at mtd@ietf.org

Matthew Larson, Asst. IT Director
Association Management Solutions
Forum Management, Meeting and Event Planning
48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117, Fremont, CA  94538