[91companions] I've signed up for paddle board yoga Wednesday from 4:45-6:15 and Friday morning from 9:45-11:15
Ro Pelletier <ropelletier13@gmail.com> Tue, 11 November 2014 18:54 UTC
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Subject: [91companions] I've signed up for paddle board yoga Wednesday from 4:45-6:15 and Friday morning from 9:45-11:15
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I went to Salt Fitness, the class is $50 regardless of if there is 1 person or 20 and is on the beach to the right of the hotel as you face the Atlantis Pier…. by the break water— you can see boats lined up over there on the beach most of the day….. sort of like the “end” of the beach Ro
- [91companions] I've signed up for paddle board yo… Ro Pelletier