[92all] IETF 92 - Online Registration and Payment Ends Today
IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Fri, 20 March 2015 16:40 UTC
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IETF 92 Meeting Dallas, TX, USA March 22 - 27, 2015 Host: Google UPCOMING DEADLINE: Online Registration and Payment Ends Friday, March 20, 2015 at 17:00 local Dallas time. Register online at https://www.ietf.org/meeting/register.html 1. Thursday Host Speaker Series 2. Registration 3. Social Event 4. IETF 92 Wiki ======================== 1. Thursday Host Speaker Series Topic: Open Source, How is it Really Doing? Speaker: Chris DiBona, Director, Open Source and Science Outreach Room: Parisian Date: Thursday, 26 March 2015 Time: 12:00 - 12:45 Lunch will NOT be provided Description: In this talk, Google's Chris DiBona will talk about the direction that Open Source has taken over the last few years, where it has been succeeding, where it has failed and how the IETF has impacted adoption. As part of this, he'll talk about the spread of Android and Chromium codebases and what it has meant for the industry. Questions will be answered! What do open standards mean without open source? What does open source switches and routers mean for the future of the internet? SDN is software...open source software? Is open daylight a thing? Note: Grab-n-Go lunches will be available for purchase in the Regency Ballroom. For more information regarding the Thursday Speaker Lunch Series, see: http://www.ietf.org/meeting/92/92-speaker-series.html 2. Registration - register online at: https://www.ietf.org/meeting/register.html A. Online Registration and Payment ends Friday, 20 March 2015, 17:00 local Dallas time. B. On-site Registration begins on Sunday, 22 March 2015 at 10:00 local Dallas time. 3. Social Event at the Reunion Tower - ALMOST SOLD OUT! Hosted by: Google Location: Reunion Tower, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas, TX 75207 Date: Tuesday, 24 March 2015 Time: Doors Open at 18:30, event ends at 22:00 Availability: 500 tickets Cost: $25 per ticket More information regarding the IETF 92 social event: http://www.ietf.org/meeting/92/social.html Link to purchase tickets: https://www.ietf.org/registration/ietf92/eventticket.py 4. IETF 92 Meeting Wiki The IETF 92 meeting wiki (Your Wiki) has been created to exchange information regarding IETF 92. Your IETF 92 (Dallas) wiki can be found here: http://www.ietf.org/registration/MeetingWiki/wiki/ietf92 and is also accessible from the Dallas meeting page (http://www.ietf.org/meeting/92/index.html) on the IETF website. Meeting wiki logins are no longer tied to registration numbers. To create an account, click ‘Login’ at the bottom of the wiki and then ‘Register’. If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it with the "Send new password" link. Only 2 days until IETF 92 in Dallas!
- [92all] IETF 92 - Online Registration and Payment… IETF Secretariat