[92all] IETF 92 - Dallas Overflow Hotel Announced
IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Tue, 13 January 2015 22:41 UTC
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Subject: [92all] IETF 92 - Dallas Overflow Hotel Announced
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IETF 92 Dallas, TX, USA March 22 - 27, 2015 Host: Google 1. Magnolia Hotel Dallas 2. Registration 3. Visas & Letters of Invitation 4. Companion Program 1. Magnolia Hotel Dallas The regular room block at The Fairmont Dallas is currently sold out, however the so-called "Student" rate rooms are still available. ANYONE may reserve them. These rooms are located near elevators and may be slightly smaller than the regular Fairmont rooms. There is only one queen bed in these rooms. The IETF has contracted with the Magnolia Hotel Dallas as an overflow option. The Magnolia Hotel Dallas is located .5 miles from The Fairmont Dallas. Reservations Link: https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=13347426 $135 USD includes up to two complimentary breakfasts per day and in-room high-speed Internet access. Taxes are NOT included in the above prices. Reservations cut off date: 12 March 2015 For more information about this overflow hotel, please visit: http://www.ietf.org/meeting/92/hotel.html#magnolia 2. Registration A. Early-Bird Registration - USD 700.00, if paid in full prior to 23:59 UTC 13 March 2015. B. After Early-Bird cutoff - USD 875.00 C. Full-time Student Registrations - USD 150.00 (with proper ID) D. One Day Pass Registration - USD 375.00 E. Registration Cancellation - Cut-off for registration cancellation is Monday, 16 March 2015 at UTC 23:59. Cancellations are subject to a 10% (ten percent) cancellation fee if requested by that date and time. F. Online Registration and Payment ends Friday, 20 March 2015, 17:00 local Dallas time. G. On-site Registration begins on Sunday, 22 March 2015 at 10:00 local Dallas time. 3. Visas & Letters of Invitation: Information on Visiting the United States, please visit: http://travel.state.gov/content/travel/english.html After you complete the registration process, you may request an electronic IETF letter of invitation and a Host Letter of Invitation. The registration system also allows for you to request hard copy letters of invitation. You may request one at a later time by following the link provided in the confirmation email. Please note that the IETF Letter of Invitation may not be sufficient for obtaining a visa to enter the USA. 4. Companion Program If you are traveling with a friend or family member over 18 years of age you can register them for the IETF Companion Program for only USD 25.00 Benefits include: - A special welcome reception for companions from 1630-1730 on Sunday, 22 March - Ability to attend the official Welcome Reception from 1700-1900 on Sunday, 22 March - A distinctive meeting badge that grants access to the venue (not to be used to attend working sessions) - Participation in a separate companion email list if you choose to communicate and make plans with other IETF Companions. You can register your companion at any time via the IETF website through the "Attendee Self-Service Portal" at: https://www.ietf.org/registration/ietf92/selfservice.py or onsite at the meeting. A companion may join the 92 Companions mailing list without any cost at: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/92companions Only 68 days until the Dallas IETF!
- [92all] IETF 92 - Dallas Overflow Hotel Announced IETF Secretariat