[93companions] Welcome IETF 93 Companions
Amy Vezza <avezza@amsl.com> Thu, 02 July 2015 15:01 UTC
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Hello IETF 93 Companions! The Prague IETF meeting is only a couple of weeks away. The meeting venue is Hilton Prague (Pobrezni 1, Prague, Czech Republic 186 00 Tel: + 420 2 2484 1111) which is located within easy walking distance to Old Town (half a mile). The closest Metro Station is the Florenc Metro Station. The Companions will have a Companions Reception on Sunday July 19, 2015 at 4:30pm at the Hilton Prague. The Reception is tentatively scheduled to take place on the Summer Terrace, Mezzanine level of the hotel. We will let you know when the place is confirmed. After the Companions Reception, you are welcome to join the IETF 93 Welcome Reception (5:00pm-7:00pm) in the Grand Hilton Ballroom, also on the Mezzanine level. The IETF Registration will be in the Congress Hall Foyer area on the Lower Level (LL) of the hotel. Some useful information can be found at the IETF 93 Meeting Wiki page (includes all the most important information such as on how to get to the hotel from the airport, the closest grocery store, and where to find coffee): https://www.ietf.org/registration/MeetingWiki/wiki/ietf93 IETF 93 Co-Hosts CZ.NIC and BROCADE have put together a host Web site that has some terrific information (plus a useful map of the area at the bottom of the page): http://www.ietf93.cz/ The IETF 93 Social Event will be the evening of July 21, 2014 (Tuesday) at the Žofín Palace. The tickets are $25 (USD) per person (children under 10 are free and do not need tickets when attending with their parent/guardian). To get to the Žofín Palace take the Metro B (yellow line) from Florenc to Národní třída. Current weather conditions in Prague (quite warm at the moment): http://www.wunderground.com/q/zmw:00000.1.11518 Prague is a very walkable city. Most of the famous sights to see are well within walking distance of the Hilton Prague. Old Town, and the Old Town Hall Astronomical Clock is only a half a mile. The Charles Bridge is a mile, and Prague Castle is two and a half miles. We look forward to seeing you all in Prague! Please feel free to use this mailing list to keep in touch with each other, and plan outings together. Best regards, Amy Vezza, IETF Secretariat