[95-1st-timers] Remote Mentoring: Internet Draft Review Teams

<nalini.elkins@insidethestack.com> Thu, 14 April 2016 19:42 UTC

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The IETF Mentoring Team is starting a new initiative to form teams to review Internet Drafts together.  You may sign up at: 


The purpose of Internet Draft review teams is to provide a way for people to get started posting to the email list for an IETF Working Group or reading Internet Drafts together. Sometimes people (especially when new) are not comfortable with the process of posting to the Working Group email list or want to check with others about their understanding of an Internet Draft before asking a question or posting a suggestion.

So, you may fill out this form if you want to be a member of such a team.  Once we get 4 or 5 members who wish to participate in such a team, we will email everyone to form the group and start working together.   You may meet once or many times.  It is up to you.  Your first task will be to select together the Internet Draft that you want to review.   We also ask the language that you prefer to speak so that we can put you into groups based on language preference.

You may also request a remote mentor to help you with selection of the draft or in your discussions.   The result of your discussions should be comments to the email list of the Working Group.

Again, sign ups are at:


Please let me know any comments & please forward this to any people you think may be interested.

Nalini Elkins

IETF Mentoring Team

Inside Products, Inc.
(831) 659-8360