[96newcomers] IETF 96 Newcomer Resources

Alexa Morris <amorris@amsl.com> Tue, 12 July 2016 22:14 UTC

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We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Berlin for IETF 96!

You are receiving this email because you have attended fewer than five IETF meetings.  As a relative newcomer (and perhaps even first-time attendee) we want to make sure that you are aware of the various resources we’ve developed to get you up to speed. 

If you’ve not done so yet, please take a few minutes to watch the excellent “Top 10 Things to Know Before Your First IETF Meeting” video embedded on this page, under Attending a Meeting: https://ietf.org/newcomers.html.  We also strongly encourage you to review The Tao of the IETF, which is available online at https://www.ietf.org/tao.html. 

Additional IETF 96 resources for newcomers are available here: https://ietf.org/meeting/96/96-newcomers.html. We hope that you will be able to attend the Newcomers orientation from 1300-1450 on Sunday, July 16 in Charlottenburg II/III of the InterContinental Berlin.  A version of this tutorial will also be presented in German in parallel in the Tiergarten room. 

If you are unable to attend on Sunday, there is an online version embedded at the top of https://ietf.org/newcomers.html.

On Sunday, July 16 afternoon you are invited a Meet-and-Greet with working group chairs and other IETF leaders from 1600-1700.  Only newcomers and IETF leadership are invited to this special reception, which will take place in the Hugo 360 restaurant . Beer, wine, soda, and light appetizers will be provided. This will be an informal gathering; there will be no speeches or presentations.  The sole purpose is to give you some time to mingle with WG chairs, mentors and other leaders, providing you with the opportunity to ask questions about the IETF.  If you are hoping to speak with a particular WG chair, you may want to check out our WG Chair Photo Directory: https://www.ietf.org/wg/chair-photos.html. The Meet-and-Greet will end promptly at 1700.  At that time, you are encouraged to attend the official IETF 96 Welcome Reception in Wintergarten/Pavillion.

On Monday, July 17 there is an informal (and not subsidized) Newcomer’s Dinner at a nearby local restaurant, exact location TBD. If you are interested in attending, please email Naveen Khan at nkhan@amsl.com by 14:00 that day. 

It’s also not to late to request an IETF mentor. For more information about the IETF Mentoring Program, please see: https://ietf.org/resources/mentoring-program.html. 

Safe Travels,

Alexa Morris / Executive Director / IETF
Email: amorris@amsl.com