[98all] IETF 98 Letters of Invitation Now Available & IETF 97 Survey Reminder

IETF Secretariat <ietf-secretariat@ietf.org> Wed, 14 December 2016 20:11 UTC

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Chicago, IL, USA
March 26-31, 2017
Host: Ericsson

IETF 98 Information: http://ietf.org/meeting/98/index.html
Register online at: http://ietf.org/meeting/register.html

Letters of invitation for IETF 98 in Chicago are now available through the IETF registration system. If you have already registered for IETF 98 you may request a local letter of invitation through a link in your confirmation email. If you have yet to register and require a LOI, you will be able to generate one during the registration process. 

Please note that you will also receive a simple one-page overview of the IETF and ISOC as an attachment to your LOI. The LOI itself indicates that attendees will provide information in support of the visitor visa request, and that information includes information about the Internet Society and IETF. This one-page PDF is intended to help attendees fulfill this requirement. 

If you attended IETF 97, please take the time to fill out the brief survey located here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ietf97
We appreciate your feedback!