[98attendees] arriving in Praha
Michael Richardson <mcr+ietf@sandelman.ca> Thu, 13 July 2017 14:08 UTC
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I arrived today from Ottawa/Montreal via AMS on KLM. Old airplanes, not even USB power. At least it had a screen. It's a warm day today... vs the endless torrential rain we've been getting in Ottawa. The airport opened the back door of the plane, and for people like me in the back row, we got off and stood on a bus in the fresh air and then were driven to the end of the concourse. The baggage belt kept getting jammed, but got my bag. I had consulted the wiki pages, and was well prepared. I bought the 27EU (4GB) vodaphone SIM at the booth right outside the baggage claim. It worked great by the time I got on the bus. (after a reboot to be sure) It seems to come with a phone number, which wasn't necessary, so perhaps there was a cheaper option I missed. I bought the 32CZZ one way ticket and waited for the 100 bus (vs the 119 and 191, which also can get you downtown via two transfers). Validate your ticket at the machine when you get on. I waited 7 minutes for the 100. Total trip was 40 minutes or so. There isn't any specific accomodation for luggage on the bus or B-line. After the many minutes on those endless and steep escalators coming out of Florenc station, one begins to think they are level walkways, and everyone is just leaning forward :-) I would have bought a week pass, except that I'm told the IETF will provide. My phone was running low; but today the wonderful OPNFV brick that has worked wonderfully since Seoul would not charge my phone. Had just enough power to find my AirBnB and message them. I had taken the precaution of writing down the address on... *a piece of paper*. I've been told of the existence of a laudry service (probably next-day service) nearby. I'm on the other side of the railway viaduct from the Hilton. -- Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-
- [98attendees] arriving in Praha Michael Richardson