[Ace] Review of draft-ietf-ace-coap-est-oscore-05

Esko Dijk <esko.dijk@iotconsultancy.nl> Sat, 10 August 2024 14:21 UTC

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From: Esko Dijk <esko.dijk@iotconsultancy.nl>
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Thread-Topic: Review of draft-ietf-ace-coap-est-oscore-05
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Hi all, authors (cc),

Here's a first review of the document draft-ietf-ace-coap-est-oscore-05. This is mostly based on my first read of the document; I didn't look yet into all the details or possible implementations of this technology.
Overall it looks like a useful addition to the constrained-networks toolbox, where IoT devices already using OSCORE / EDHOC can benefit from EST without needing additional security protocols/code.

Detailed comments per section below:

General (entire document)

- There could be one line of whitespace between table content and table caption. This would be visually more clear.
- Spelling "enrolment" vs "enrollment" - unify


>> ... is a certificate provisioning protocol over HTTPS.
It's currently defined over HTTPS or CoAPS, not just HTTPS. (RFC 7030 / 9148 respectively.)  Best to mention both these transports already here in the 1st sentence.

>> ... also leverages the certificate structures defined in [I-D.ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert].
Sentence could be clarified to say that the CBOR encoded certs are optionally used! Now it's not clear at high level if CBOR replaces X509 certificates always or that it's optionally used.

1. Introduction

Paragraph 3 explains that EST can be carried over HTTP protected with OSCORE. This part could still be clarified: I initially thought the intention was to enable HTTP transport without needing CoAP at all i.e. in none of the communication legs.  This interpretation then conflicts with many following parts of the document that only mention CoAP and not HTTP used by the client. For example, paragraph 5 mentions "... context, the CoAP exchange carrying ... " which  then triggers the question whether this is really a CoAP exchange, or whether it can also be a HTTP exchange?
Maybe the intention was to support only CoAP for the client side; which might be carried as HTTP for a particular network segment? (e.g. from proxy to EST server).
Not sure how to resolve this; it depends on the intention of how HTTP is supposed to be used and this is not yet fully clear to me.

>> ... translating between between
(remove double word)

>> * Compact representations f X.509 ...
Compact CBOR representations of X.509 ...

     *   Operational Differences with EST-coaps

>> ... the following respects:
the following aspects:

There is some repetition in the text. E.g. paragraph 1 overlaps with bullet 1 content. And bullet 2 subbullet 3 overlaps with bullet 2 of Section 1. I think that Section 1 and 1.1 could be easily joined together and compressed.
(Or maybe I misunderstood the purpose of 1.1.)

Bullet 2, subbullet 1: "is complemented with" -> unclear exactly what "complemented" means here. Is using raw public keys an optional thing the client can invoke? Or does it need to do both?
Similar questions for subbullet 2 and 3.

2. Terminology

Section may expand acronym "DH" when used first time.

>> Apart from enrolling signature keys, ...
This is unclear to me! The purpose of EST was explained to be "certificate provisioning" or "certificate enrollment" (assumed to be synonyms). Now it's signature key enrollment ? Doesn't sound familiar and may need some more details. Maybe it points to the fact that an identity (consisting of a device's public key and associated private key) gets enrolled into a domain, at the same time that a certificate is provisioned into the device? Could we say "apart from enrollment based on signature keys, ... " ?

>> recipients public DH key
recipient's public DH key

>> Therefore this document ... procedures defined.
Last sentence is complex and could be improved (grammar-wise). What does "its" refer to? "defined" refers to something defined where?

3. Authentication

>> During initial enrollment ... payloads.
Is EDHOC only run during the initial / first enrollment - and then never again? Or does it in some cases need to be "refreshed" before doing a re-enrollment?

>> ... conveying EST payloads.
"carrying EST payloads"  is maybe more clear?

>> ... to the CA for decision about ...
"to the CA to support its decision about" ?  Or "to the CA for the decisions about" ?

>> certificates/raw public keys
Maybe better to clarify "certificates or raw public keys" ?

>> ... URI to the credential ...
"URI of the credential" is perhaps more accurate? Since the I stands for Identifier. It identifies the credential.

3.2 Certificate-based Authentication

>> ... client SHOULD populate its Explicit TA database ...
There's  a requirement on the client here, but what should the client do concretely? Are there some details needed on how to do this? And with whom are the "subsequent authentications" made, only with EST servers or with any servers/peers in the domain? (If it concerns EST server then it's in scope of this spec.)
And what are the exception cases of the SHOULD ?  It's also not so clear here how this requirement differs from RFC 9148 requirements on Explicit and Implicit TA database.

>> ... EST client certificate SHOULD conform to [RFC7925] ...
That holds also for the server certificate, I think? If the server's cert is not lightweight, then just optimizing the client's cert helps only for 50%. RFC 7925 defines the profile for both client and server.

>> ... EST server certificate MAY be a (natively signed) CBOR certificate ...
This MAY would imply that all clients MUST support the CBOR certificate - was that intended?  It would be better if the client could select either option and the EST server would support both and adapt to the client's choice.
If that's not possible then having a defined "profile" can be useful - e.g. a system implementation would need to pick either the X509 cert profile or the CBOR cert profile and then all devices in the system including the EST server support that choice according to the profile.

3.4 Optimizations

There should be some introductory text before the bullets. E.g. explain there will follow some optional behaviours that a client can be configured / programmed to use, in order to reduce one of message size / round-trips / ... .
Perhaps split into optimizations that a client can decide to use, and optimizations that a server can decide to use?

Difference between bullet 3 and 4 is not very clear yet. Bullet 3 mentions "enrolled client certificate" - is this the domain certificate that's created due to the enrollment process? I suppose the client can't use this optimization when it's not yet enrolled?
In bullet 4
- is the advantage here that the client never has to actually access/download its own domain certificate? E.g. it keeps using a reference to it, instead of the actual certificate?   Does this mean that all future/potential servers and peers will have to support this "cert reference" instead of the real cert?
- when would the EST server return the reference rather than the full certificate?  It seems the client is also obliged to support the cert references then, adding to its codebase.

All of the "certificate reference" optimizations seem to complicate matters in terms of interoperability. If device 1 MAY send a reference, this forces device 2 to support (MUST) a method to get the certificate using this reference to e.g. check it. (Is this correct?)
There should also be more detail about what from RFC 9360 is used for this - e.g. specify the x5u header as the default option for this? (Now it's just mentioned as example.)

4. Protocol Design and Layering

>> Block-Wise
-> "Block-Wise transfer"

Figure 1 caption: best to mention the term "stack diagram" in the caption.

4.1 Discovery and URI

The server uses the "osc" attributes to signal OSCORE support. This is fine, however, the re-use of the existing resource type name "ace.est.sen" also means it would support the original EST-coaps protocol.
This gives a clash in resource definitions when the EST server wants to provide EST-with-OSCORE-over-DTLS which is stated as one of the options of this protocol.
In this case, a regular EST-coaps client will see a resource of type "ace.est.sen" which it recognizes and which is hosted at a URL that has a coaps:// protocol, which it recognizes, and so it would assume this EST server would support EST-coaps. (It would ignore the "osc" attribute, not knowing it.) So this gives a conflict in resource type name use, because the EST server maybe doesn't intend to support EST-coaps classic and only intends to support EST-OSCORE. But now it's impossible to express this using link format.  (Or do we intend to make EST-coaps support mandatory for such case?)

4.2.1 /crts

>> ... which is subsequently installed in the Explicit TA.
"TA" here should be "TA database". And it could be clarified that the "installed in" part only happens of course if the server has been properly authenticated. I think the original EST protocol in Section 4.1.1 allows a client to request /cacerts without having yet authenticated the EST server.

Second paragraph: "could be just the CA public key ... or ... without the signature" -> in this case the Content-Format would be a different one, I presume - a format that can encode this reduced information instead of the regular Content-formats defined by EST-coaps. Now it reads as if the server can just leave away information but that's not correct I think.  The client might request a specific Content-Format for the /crts resource, one with all bells and whistles included, and the server needs to oblige to this request.

4.3.2 CBOR-encoded Objects

>> In the case of CBOR-encoded request ... also CBOR encoded.
There's also the client's Accept option that comes into play. There could be a future content-format that the client would specify in the Accept option; in which case the response could be another format than 62.
But agree that when no Accept option is specified, then 62 is returned with CBOR-encoded contents.

4.4 Message Bindings

>> endpoints support delayed responses
Text here could refer to Section 4.7 of RFC 9148.

Final bullet: "EST URLs based on https:// are" -> this seems incorrect, it would probably need to be "EST-coaps URLs based on coaps:// are translated to coap:// , but with ... "

4.6 Message fragmentation
(Use caps 'F' here)

>> ... to prevent IP fragmentation ...
to prevent 6LoWPAN fragmentation

Last paragraphs Block1/Block2 requirements: these are repeats of section 4.4 requirements. Should try to avoid duplicate normative requirements.
If needed, refer back to the requirements made elsewhere.

4.8 Enrollment of Static DH Keys

>> ... how the EST client enrolls a static DH key
See earlier comment about enrolling keys vs enrolling devices or certificates. Terminology is a bit unclear to me.

Paragraph 2: there are 2 SHOULD requirements here - it seems it's in fact only 1 requirement? Reduce to one SHOULD, if possible. Also if the SHOULD is not followed, what are the alternatives?

>> In some cases, it may be beneficial ...
Which cases? Maybe this is further detailed in the SP- references given later on?

5. HTTP-CoAP Proxy

>> ... use of TLS and DTLS is optional ...
Use of TLS or DTLS is optional

It's optional for the client to use: it determines which protocol is initiated.  Is it mandatory for the Proxy to support all of the options NoSec, OSCORE, TLS and DTLS  for the first leg from the client ? Or do we assume "profiles" where the deployer of the Proxy knows what all the EST clients will support/use?
In case of CoAP-over-TLS, what scheme would be used? (would we have to mention in that case that discovery would yield e.g. "coap+tls" scheme in the links? That seems to add more complexity / options to this specification. )

6.1 Server-generated Private Keys

>> ... it has been shown that many available hardware modules ...
Is there some reference for this claim? Maybe not needed in this doc if it's generally known.  But I didn't know it.

6.2 Considerations on Channel Binding

>> ... PKCS#10 requests OPTIONAL
Is this OPTIONAL for the client? Does the server need to support this channel binding always?

7.1 EDHOC Exporter Label Registry
It's not clear to me what this is and how/when TBD4 is used. It's not mentioned anywhere else in the draft.

8.2  Informative References

It looks like some references need to be normative. There's some IETF guidance for this case that any optionally implemented function requires the spec for that function to be Normatively referenced. Because the one implementing this option needs to follow that specification and normatively implement it.  "Informative" is purely background info that an implementer would not have to implement even with all options enabled.  See e.g. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/statement-iesg-iesg-statement-normative-and-informative-references-20060419/


-> normative, because using these CBOR encoded certs is an option in the implementation.

-> normative, because it looks like the client could use TLS, and for sure the EST server could use TLS.

-> Normative, in case using TLS is OPTIONAL for an implementation. (E.g. so far in the draft it looks like an EST client could use TLS, or the leg between Proxy and EST server could use TLS.)

-> normative since DTLS can be optionally used as extra transport security?

-> normative since it looks like a client or server can optionally use a certificate by reference. Assuming we want x5u to be the default option for this.

Some references are not used it seems:

[RFC2985] -> not used?
[RFC2986] -> not used?
[RFC5280] -> not used?
[RFC5869] -> not used?
[RFC5914] -> not used?
[RFC7627] -> not used?

Best regards,

IoTconsultancy.nl  |  Email/Teams: esko.dijk@iotconsultancy.nl