Re: [Ace] EST over CoAP

Hannes Tschofenig <> Mon, 14 May 2018 14:51 UTC

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From: Hannes Tschofenig <>
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Hi Michael,

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Richardson []
Sent: 14 May 2018 16:46
To: Hannes Tschofenig
Subject: Re: [Ace] EST over CoAP

Hannes Tschofenig <> wrote:
    > Thanks for the feedback.

    > Why do you think it takes so long to get this document finished? In the
    > end, you are just carrying EST over CoAP instead of conveying it over
    > HTTP.

It's not really just us, it's time to get people to do the reviews required :-) It's also constrained about getting other documents out.  RFC8366 spent 4 weeks in AUTH48 due to a small YANG correction discovered at the last minute.
(And we had to bikeshed the title)

[Hannes] Fully understand. I am just advocating that we keep things going at a reasonable pace. I have seen documents hanging around waiting for not further defined events.
Since we are implementing this functionality I want to make sure we don't see surprises last minute.

    > PS: Regarding the use of DTLS/TLS for the proxy. There are obviously
    > ways to get this accomplished but the question for me is whether this
    > functionality should go into this version of the spec or rather a
    > companion document.

I don't understand the use case.
EST requires a secure transport from requesting entity to Registrar.
A DTLS/TLS proxy represents a MITM, and I don't see a way for either party to
trust it.    I have been pushing to better detail how people want this to work.

[Hannes] I guess we will speculate about it when that work gets started in another document.


Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works  -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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